모바일닥터는 지난 22일, KT와 협력하여 빌&게이츠 재단의 지원을 받아 진행하는 인공지능‧빅테이터 기반 감염병 대비 솔루션 개발을 위해, 연구데이터를 수집하는 SHINE(Study of Health Information for Next Epidemic) 어플리케이션을 출시하였습니다.
SHINE 어플리케이션은 감염병 대응 연구를 위해 AI, 빅데이터 등 ICT에 기반하여 감염병 대응 연구를 위해 출시한 것으로, 사용자 주변의 코로나19등 질병 발생 현황을 제공해주는 동시에 발열, 두통, 기침과 같은 독감 유사 증상 입력을 통해 감염병 위험도를 확인할 수 있는 기능을 제공하고 있습니다.
Accordingly, Mobile Doctor has developed a symptom-based corona risk algorithm, individual flu risk algorithm, easy-to-use thermometer link function, family management and risk assessment function. In addition, we developed a web function for administrators of research institutes and collected and provided data on the number of daily corona cases by province and city, county, and gu in Korea.
In addition, in order to predict the risk of COVID-19 infection by user, we are currently conducting heat map analysis based on the symptoms of the corona virus and the past movement routes and regions .
The SHINE app can be downloaded from the Apple App Store, One Store, and the Shine website, and the data entered by the user is stored safely by applying a block chain. In addition, only users who have expressed their intention to participate in the research will be used to develop solutions to respond to the spread of infectious diseases.
Mobile Doctor’s executives and staff expressed their ambition to do their best to help all citizens who are having difficulties in the field live a better world by creating an environment that prevents the spread of infectious diseases and enables early diagnosis.