“The artificial intelligence disease diagnostic kit will be able to check for flu diagnosis analysis services and simple diseases with artificial intelligence, and will also produce a flu diagnosis kit that combines thermometer products”

Mobile Doctor has participated in the global Start-Up exhibition ‘4YFN’ that was jointly held with ‘MWC 2018’ as Smart Venture Campus Joint Booth, and was selected as ‘best of mik @ 4YFN’.
‘best of mik @ 4YFN’ is the one that have selected the promising company among the participating companies in 4YFN, and the selected companies have opportunity to do press pitching with foreign journalists from United States, China, Germany and others in MWC 2018, and furthermore, they will be the Top3 that global media selects.
Mobile Doctor has introduced ‘I am having fever’, the customized child temperature management service. Through Mobile Doctor’s ‘I am having fever’, the parents can manage the children’s temperature effectively. Body temperature can be automatically input using a patch-type or Bluetooth type thermometer, and manual input is possible without a thermometer. There is something to note here. ‘I am having fever’, is different from other services that provide simple alarms when entering body temperature. Once a body temperature is entered, the application uses an algorithm made by doctor, to give the appropriate advice after the condition is determined.
‘I am having fever’ compiled big data (3 million) on healthcare using 350,000 users, including temperature, symptoms, and diagnosis names. Recently, it is studying and producing artificial intelligence disease diagnosis and flu reports and maps using the data.
The officials of the company said, “The artificial intelligence disease diagnostic kit will be able to check for flu diagnosis analysis services and simple diseases with artificial intelligence, and will also produce a flu diagnosis kit that combines thermometer products”, and added, “The Daily Disease and Disease Trend Map gathers diagnosis information on disease, analyzes the prevalence of highly diagnosed diseases, and provides graphs and reports”.
When asked about the role model, they said, “We are using Google as our role model”, and added, “We want to become Google in the digestive and health care market”. He also commented, “Google’s vision is ‘Do not be evil’, and our vision is to approach children when they are sick, comfort them, and increase their professional skills like Google does” and said, “We want to use technology, financing and expertise to expand better services and change the game in the healthcare market”.
What will be the business model partner company that Mobile Doctor thinks? It’s all insurance companies and hospitals that are relevant to children’s health. For countries, they are considering the United States, Europe, Japan, China and Southeast Asian markets. Currently, English, Chinese and Japanese versions have been developed, and so have the ‘I am having fever’ algorithm, which responds to Chinese “Chinese medicine”.
Smart Venture Campuses that are set to assist the enterprise carry out a variety of projects to discover and nurture talented youth CEOs and professional enterprises in the fields of App/Web, contents, SW and convergence. It also helps boost the start-up business of a prospective entrepreneur with creative identity and supports the development of early start-up companies. This time, it is also actively supporting the nation’s top companies in this 4YFN.
Meanwhile, the Global News Network, Aving News reported the most issues of CES, MWC, and IFA, which are world’s top three tech exhibitions, during last 11 years. It is sending special reporters to MWC for this year as well; reporting major issues in the world market and introduce Korea’s major companies all over the world. Currently, Aving News is covering and reporting more than 300~1000 overseas exhibition news every year.
[ Lee Eun Sil 2018-02-27 ]